The film Deception by Spanish artist Regina de Miguel presents a journey that is both documentary and a spiritual voyage for the discovery of the unknown. In the film, the artist travels to Deception Island in the Antarctic, a place that has only been explored by scientists and the military who seemingly are bold enough to negate the violence and uncertainty that is continuously present. It is a foreboding landscape that is painted more in greyscale than in color, yet the scenery captured is undoubtedly powerful. The futile attempts by man to invade its surface is evident in the wires connecting to water sources and generators and there are derelict buildings far beyond repair and crosses that symbolize travelers who succumbed to the fate of the island. Deception Island is a place that is both mysterious in its secrecy and simultaneously a frightening hell. Its savage terrain offers a reality of our beginnings and a foreshadowing of our future.

Photo: Still from video | Photo above: Vegard KIeven © Punkt Ø
Regina de Miguel works as an artist through critical and interdisciplinary agency in processes and convergences focused on producing hybrid objects and knowledge.
She has set up solo exhibitions in: I’m part of this fractured frontier, C3A Córdoba, 2018; Aura Nera, Santa Mónica, Barcelona, 2016; Ansible, Maisterravalbuena Gallery, Madrid, 2015; All knowledge is enveloped in darkness, Kunsthalle Sao Paulo, 2014; Nouvelle Science Vague Fiction, General Public, Berlin 2011, El aire aún no respirado, MUSAC, León 2008.
She has also exhibited in group shows as: Cosmos. Film Programme. Tentacles Gallery, Bangkok, 2019; Celda Unidad, Cultural Institute of León, Guanajuato, México, 2018; Capitalo, Chthulu, and a Much Hotter Compost Pile at Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin, 2018; Technosphärenklänge #5: Performance with Lucrecia Dalt. Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, 2018; Adverbios Temporales, Centro Centro, Madrid, 2018; NO Music, Haus der Kulturen der Welt; Berlín, 2017, Silence Empire, Funkhaus, Berlin, 2017; Fermenting Feminism, Broken Dimanche Press, Berlin, 2017; L’Élection Parfaite, Gaîté Lyrique, Paris, 2017; Una estela en la Tierra. Ecos de violencia institucional en América Latina, Bienal del Sur, Tucumán, Argentina,2017; Bienal del Sur, Montevideo, Uruguay, 2017; Contemporary Visions, New cine and video in Spain. The Echo Park Film Center, Los Angeles, California, 2017; Hasta que las cosas y los cuerpos sean como queremos que sean, CA2M, Madrid, 2017; Berlin Art Prize, Kühlhaus Berlin; Univers Simulés, Gamerz Festival, Vasarely Foundation, Aix en Provence, France; A forma do pensamento, Cristina Guerra Gallery, Lisbon, 2016; Towards a New Shore, NC Arte, Bogotá, 2016; Riddle of the Burial Grounds, Extra City, Anwerp, Belgium; Hall of Half-Life, steirischer herbst festival gmbh, Graz Austria, 2015; Riddle of the Burial Grounds, Project Arts Centre, Dublin, 2015; Modernisms (for future thoughts), Invaliden Eins Galerie, Berlin, 2015; The Future Won’t Wait, La Capella, Barcelona, 2014; Rencontres Internationales, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin and Palais de Tokyo, Paris, 2013; Of Time & Place, Gasworks Londres, 2012; Out of the black, Reh Kunst, Berlin, 2011.