Galleri F 15


30. jun - 9. sep 2012

Viggo Andersen, Marianne Bratteli, Oda Broch, Tara Maria Rolfsen, Benjamin Ellingsen, Agnete Erichsen, Svanhild Heggedal, Hilmar Fredriksen, Fritjof Hoel, Thomas Hestvold, Reidar Kraugerud, Jenny Rydhagen, Kjetil Skøyen, Vibeke Slyngstad, Line Wælgaard

Curator statement:

The exhibition “On Trial-Christ 2012” is a follow-up exhibition, in which 13 artists that participated in an exhibition “Christ 2000” in 2001, have been invited to take part in the new show. This time there is also common subject area, which has been developed very individually by the artists, taking inspiration from previous experience and new shared experiences, from travels to Armenia and Palestine last year as well as seminars and different discussions and own artistic development. Three more recently graduated artists have joined the group. Religiously inspired art that was once the only art, however, has seen a rapid decline in interest this century and very few contemporary artist create art work referring to recognizable Christian references, or other work related to clearly related ideas over time.

The artists on show have their individual approaches and also individual beliefs, and their artistic integrity is maintained throughout.

On Trial- embraces a range of associations, then coupled with -Christ 2012 and its associations for our time, artists have chosen to focus on areas related to Christianity and also belief and existential thinking in general. Some work with moral projects related to the darker side of political and religious evidence of our time. Some work with looking to their own more personal trials as of 2012, which may be universal and seemingly timeless. There are clear references to Christian history, Christian beliefs such as trial of Christ, death, the Pieta, twelve stages of the cross, prayers, struggles, interaction and communication, to have faith in the very individual communication with the other. A tendency to be skeptic to religion and their handling of society is also reflected in some work. On the whole the artists do not seem too optimistic on behalf of faith and society, but a belief in the individual and meaning of existence seems imbedded. You have to draw your own conclusions; many works are open for a personal dialogue!

Your ideas and prayers, drawings may be expressed and left in the holes in the “Wailing Wall” of outside pavilion, they will remain anonymous and unread and brought to Jerusalem “Wailing Wall” directly after the exhibition to be placed there between the stones in the wall as is now a common tradition.

Make sure you get the list of works to accompany you through the exhibition and that you also visit the pavilions outside as well as the film room by the reception. All these rooms are part of the exhibition.

Synnøve Ellingsen


3 Marianne Bratteli

Marianne Bratteli

4 Oda Broch Tara Maria Rolfsen

Oda Broch & Tara Maria Rolfsen

5 Benjamin Ellingsen

Benjamin Ellingsen

6 Agnete Erichsen

Agnete Erichsen

7 Svanhild Heggedal

Svanhild Heggedal

8 Hilmar Fredriksen

Hilmar Fredriksen

9 Fritjof Hoel

Fritjof Hoel

10 Thomas Hestvold

Thomas Hestvold

11 Reidar Kraugerud

Reidar Kraugerud

12 Jenny Rydhagen

Jenny Rydhagen

13 Kjetil Skøyen

Kjetil Skøyen

14 Vibeke Slyngstad

Vibeke Slyngstad

15 Line Wælgaard

Line Wælgaard