Søndag 1. oktober arrangerer vi Familiedagen på Galleri F 15!
Du kan bli med på tre gratis tegne-, musikk- og skulpturverksteder som passer for hele familien:
Tegneverksted kl. 12:00 – 12:45
Tegneverkstedet «Sirkelen» fokuserer på hvordan vi kan oppdage sirkelens visuelle kraft ved å bruke tegneteknikker.
Skulpturverksted kl. 13:00 – 13:45
På skulpturverkstedet «Fantastiske dyr!» vil vi gå på en kollektiv vandring og starte våre egne skulpturer av forskjellige dyr.
Musikkverksted kl. 14:00 – 14:45
Vi vil komponere og fremføre musikk med xylofoner og perkusjon under musikkverkstedet “Xylofonensemblet”.
Sted: F 15 verksted
Tid: 12:00-15:00
Mer om verkstedene
Tegneverksted: «Sirkelen» / «The circle»
Artist: Stefan Schröder
Using drawing techniques this workshop discovers the visual power of the geometrical form, the circle. Each participant discovers the unique shape of the circle by using color pencils and free hand drawing techniques. The perfect circle does not exist neither is it possible to draw a perfect one. For generations Chinese and Japanese artists have used the circle and its powerful shape in the art of calligraphy.
In this family workshop, each participant will draw a circle or two, and discover the inner and outer space of it. In the second part, of the 45 minutes section, each participant adds free visual narratives to the drawing. Together we will create a little universe mounting as many as possible of circles on a large piece of paper.
Skulpturverksted: «Fantastiske dyr!» / «Fantastic animals»
Artist: Belén Santillán
We will start with a collective walk through the garden in front of the gallery space. We will collect stones, leaves, branches, having in mind an animal we have seen in Jeløya. Then, we will go back to the workshop and construct our animal with the collected material. After the construction moment is over, we will create a garden of fantastic animals and name them. The aim of this workshop is to be mindful of more-than-human-life that accompanies us during our visit.
Musikkverksted: «Xylophone Ensemble»
Artist: Wei-Ting Zeng
Xylophone Ensemble is a musical workshop where we will be creating a minimal-music composition together and play the composition on xylophones and percussions in the end. Minimal music is a form of music that employs limited musical materials, including repetitive patterns or pulses, steady drones, consonant harmony, and reiteration of musical phrases or smaller units. In the workshop, the participants will learn the patterns and be assigned to one musical pattern in the ensemble. We will use numbers to give instructions and compose together. The numbers are the score for the participants to know when they should play and when they should pause, as well as when the composition finishes.
Foto: Enrique Guadarrama Solis.